[CORE-44] 1.6 RC2 MSSQL Script for DemoData has error Created: 24/Mar/11  Updated: 05/Jun/14  Resolved: 27/Oct/11

Status: Closed
Project: i2b2 Core Software
Component/s: Data
Affects Version/s: 1.6.00-RC2
Fix Version/s: 1.6.00

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Daniel Sullivan Assignee: Mike Mendis
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified
Environment: Windows Server 2003 / MSSQL 2008 Express

Rank: 0|i0011b:

Here is the description from the ANT build script:

      [sql] Failed to execute: /* add an index on most of the observation_fact fields */ CREATE INDEX OF_IDX_ALLObservation_Fact ON Observation_Fact ( Encounter_Num , Patient_Num , Concept_Cd , Start_Date , Provider_Id , Modifier_Cd , inst
ance_num, ValType_Cd , TVal_Char , NVal_Num , ValueFlag_Cd , Quantity_Num , Units_Cd , End_Date , Location_Cd , Confidence_Num , Sourcesystem_Cd ) [sql] com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The index 'OF_IDX_A
LLObservation_Fact' on table 'Observation_Fact' has 17 column names in index key list. The maximum limit for index or statistics key column list is 16.

Comment by Daniel Sullivan [ 24/Mar/11 ]
Here is the part of the script which expands the index size from the previous 16 to 17

CREATE INDEX OF_IDX_ALLObservation_Fact ON Observation_Fact
Encounter_Num ,
Patient_Num ,
Concept_Cd ,
Start_Date ,
Provider_Id ,
Modifier_Cd ,
ValType_Cd ,
TVal_Char ,
NVal_Num ,
ValueFlag_Cd ,
Quantity_Num ,
Units_Cd ,
End_Date ,
Location_Cd ,
Confidence_Num ,
Comment by Daniel Sullivan [ 24/Mar/11 ]
see --> instance_num
Comment by Mike Mendis [ 27/Oct/11 ]
Fixed in the final

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