[CORE-226] New parameter to use temp table constraint instead of 'WITH' clause Created: 22/Sep/16  Updated: 17/Oct/16  Resolved: 22/Sep/16

Status: Closed
Project: i2b2 Core Software
Component/s: CRC Cell
Affects Version/s: 1.7.07
Fix Version/s: 1.7.08

Type: New Feature Priority: Major
Reporter: Janice Donahoe Assignee: Janice Donahoe
Resolution: Completed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Rank: 0|i0031b:
i2b2 Sponsored Project/s:
i2b2 Core
Affects Database/s:
SQL Server
Testing Notes: Verified the new parameter has been added to the crc.properties file and is working correctly

Add a new parameter in the crc.properties file that allows a site to use a temp table instead of a 'WITH' clause when running a CRC query. In some environments using a temp table allows the query to run more efficiently and process the request faster.

Parameter Name: edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.setfinderquery.constraintlogic
Located In: crc.properties file
   Value = TEMP or TEMPTABLES temp tables will be used when building queries.
   Value = "WITH" current query logic is used

If the parameter is missing from the crc.properties file the system will current query logic (WITH clause).

IMPORTANT: This change only affects SQL Server databases. Both PostgreSQL and Oracle do not have the capabilities of using temp tables. They will continue to use the WITH clause.

Comment by Janice Donahoe [ 22/Sep/16 ]
Modifications made by Chris Herrick.
Comment by Janice Donahoe [ 17/Oct/16 ]
This change was included in version 1.7.08, which was released on 10/07/2016.
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