[CORE-165] Timeline filter not working if database is SQL Server Created: 13/Mar/15  Updated: 18/Aug/15  Resolved: 23/Jul/15

Status: Closed
Project: i2b2 Core Software
Component/s: CRC Cell, Workbench
Affects Version/s: 1.7.04
Fix Version/s: 1.7.06

Type: Bug Priority: Major
Reporter: Janice Donahoe Assignee: Janice Donahoe
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 1
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Rank: 0|i001ov:
Affects View/s:
Timeline View
i2b2 Sponsored Project/s:
i2b2 Core
i2b2 Related Project/s:
Affects Database/s:
SQL Server
Reproduction Notes: This issue can be reproduced in the 1.7 test environment.

1. Log into the SQL project in the test environment
2. Run a query using the concept of hypertension (make sure Timeline is checked)
3. In the timeline if you look at demo patient 1000000013 you will notice there are the following 3 instances appearing for Unspecified essential hypertension

First observation:
Start date: 2001-01-02
modifier_cd: 2
instance_num: 1

Second observation:
Start date: 2007-09-07
modifier_cd: 2
instance_num: 1

Third observation:
Start date: 2007-09-10
modifier_cd: 2
instance_num: 1

4. Click on Create model for Timeline
5. Change the filter to First
6. Click on Render a Timeline
7. Notice the timeline still displays all the observations for patient 1000000013
8. Look at the received xml and you will notice the above three instances are returned from the CRC.

The only one that should be returned is the first observation of Unspecified essential hypertension

First observation:
Start date: 2001-01-02
modifier_cd: 2
instance_num: 1
Testing Notes: TEST STATUS: Completed


Test Date: 07/22/2015
Build Number:

Clients Tested :
     i2b2 Workbench

Environments Tested :
     Databases: SQL Server and Oracle
     Client OS: Windows and Macintosh

Test Comments:
Tested with the latest server build and it appears to be working correctly. I verified the appropriate observations are returned from the CRC based on the filter that is defined.

In addition to testing First and Last I also verified that the Max and Min filters are still working.


Test Date: 07/21/2015
Build Number:

Clients Tested :
     i2b2 Workbench

Environments Tested :
     Databases: SQL Server
     Client OS: Windows and Macintosh

Test Comments:
Tested with the latest workbench build ( and it is not working correctly.

An error is returned from the server when you try to render a timeline in which the filter has been defined as one of the following:
Max, Min, First, or Last

In the XML message received from the server the cause of the error is due to incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'.

In the timeline users can filter the observations by the first or last instance as well as the maximum or minimum instance of an observation.

When the i2b2 database is SQL Server the filter is getting ignored and the PDO returned from the CRC contains all observations. The filter is working when the i2b2 database is an Oracle database.

IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time I am not able to verify whether or not it is working correctly against a PostgreSQL database.

Comment by Janice Donahoe [ 21/Jul/15 ]
Issue found during testing. See Testing Notes for details on the issue.
Comment by Janice Donahoe [ 18/Aug/15 ]
The fix for this issue was included in the 1.7.06 release.

i2b2 version 1.7.06 was released on August 12, 2015.
Generated at Wed Apr 24 23:51:06 UTC 2024 using Jira 8.20.11#820011-sha1:0629dd8d260e3954ece49053e565d01dabe11609.