i2b2 Release 1.7.10

Release Date: April 27, 2018

Release Summary

Release 1.7.10 contains several new enhancements to the i2b2 kernel, many of which improve the security around signing into the i2b2 Web Client. We have included some Auditing features like logging all successful and attempted logins into the i2b2 Web Client or keeping a log of all the Admin functions performed with the Admin Module.


Highlights of Security Features

Auditing Improvements

  • Log admin and sign on activity

Password Management 

  • Lock users out after a specific number of failed login attempts
  • Require users to change passwords after a specified interval of time
  • Prevent users from using the same password when required to change it.
  • Enforce complex password requirements defined by the i2b2 Administrator.

Highlights of other 1.7.10 Features

Custom SQL breakdowns

  • SQL query built directly into the breakdown.
  • 4 new breakdowns included; Length of stay breakdown, Top 20 medications breakdown, Top 20 diagnoses breakdown, Inpatient and outpatient breakdown

Temporal query made simple

  • Simple Temporal Query mode
  • Streamlined features
  • Ordering of events, population constraint, and relationship editor can be accessed from same screen
  • On screen tutorial is available


Installation Notes

This release note applies to you if you are upgrading your i2b2 to 1.7.10 from and earlier 1.7.xx version of the i2b2 software. Please see the Upgrade Notes section for any information that is specific to the upgrade process. 

If you are upgrading your i2b2 in a SHRINE network please read the information in the SHRINE Networks section before proceeding.

If you are installing a new instance of the i2b2 we recommend you refer to the i2b2 Installation Guide found on the i2b2 Community Wiki. This documentation will guide you through the entire installation process. If you run into issues or have questions you can reach out to the community by joining and emailing the google group called i2b2 Install Help.


SHRINE Networks


Release 1.7.10 has not been tested within a SHRINE network. Therefore, i2b2 Release 1.7.10 should not be installed within a SHRINE network. It can be installed independently of SHRINE. However because it has not been tested with SHRINE we can not guarantee all of the new enhancements will continue to work correctly when implemented within a SHRINE environment.

Upgrade Notes

It is important when you upgrade your "i2b2 software" that you upgrade all the components that make up the software package. In release 1.7.10 the following i2b2 components contain changes and therefore must be upgraded when upgraded your i2b2 environment.

  • i2b2 Database
  • i2b2 Server (kernel)
  • i2b2 Web Client


Upgrade Paths & Software Files

The i2b2 now provides two options for sites to update their i2b2 server.

  1. Continue to download the source code provided in the zip file released on www.i2b2.org/software
  2. Install the precompiled JAR files onto your existing i2b2 server to upgrade it to 1.7.10.


Both are acceptable paths and depending on your sites needs will determine where you will go to obtain the zip file containing the appropriate software. The following table will guide you to the appropriate location. 


DescriptionWhere to find itRequirements
Files to upgrade the i2b2 Database to 1.7.10 i2b2 Web Site - software page 
Files to upgrade the i2b2 Web Client to 1.7.10 i2b2 Web Site - software page 
Files to upgrade the i2b2 Server to 1.7.10 - Source code i2b2 Web Site - software page 
Files to upgrade the i2b2 Server to 1.7.10 - JAR files Upgrade to latest version page on the Community WikiSee Technical Details section on the i2b2 Upgrades page.


Upgrade Documentation


DocumentationWhere to find itWebsite
Database changes included in this releaseDatabase Changes 
List of core changes included in this releaseChange Summary - i2b2 Kernel (Core Software) 
List of Web Client changes included in this releaseChange Summary - i2b2 Web Client 
Details about the new featuresDetails about New Features in Release 1.7.10 
Technical details and notes about upgrading the i2b2 serverUpgrade i2b2 pagei2b2 Community Wiki
Upgrade Instructions (server)Upgrade to latest version page (Instructions section)i2b2 Community Wiki
Core documentation - Technical doc for i2b2 cellsIn the i2b2core-doc zip file located on the software page of the i2b2 websitei2b2 Website



Database Changes

Release 1.7.10 involves a few changes to the i2b2 Database. Some are simple an addition to the sample data that is included in the demo data that is delivered with the software while others are changes to the database structure to support new features that are included in 1.7.10

Crcdata Tables


  • Added new breakdowns for the new SQL Query Breakdown feature



  • Added new breakdowns for the new SQL Query Breakdown feature
  • Added new column to support roles based access for the new SQL Breakdowns
    • New column name = QT_ROLE_CD

Pmdata Tables


  • Remove the primary key
  • add an index PM_USER_LOGIN_IDX


Change Summary - i2b2 Kernel (Core Software) - Release 1.7.10

New Features and Improvements

Additional information about each of these features can be found in the Details about New Features in Release 1.7.10 section located after the Change Summary section for the Web Client.


Bug Fixes


Change Summary - i2b2 Web Client Software - Release 1.7.10

New Features and Improvements

Additional information about each of these features can be found in the Details about New Features in Release 1.7.10 section located after this section.


Bug Fixes


Details about New Features in Release 1.7.10

For the purpose of these release notes the new features in the 1.7.10 release have been categorized into four categories.

As part of the Auditing improvements and overall security enhancements included in the 1.7.10 release all

  1. Logging improvements
  2. Password management improvements
  3. Query improvements
  4. Miscellaneous improvements


Auditing improvements

The auditing improvements category contains two new features; with the first feature the i2b2 logs all attempts to sign into the i2b2 Web Client and the second one logs all activity within the i2b2 Admin module.


The auditing improvements are strictly server and database security enhancements to capture the information for auditing purposes. The audit information is logged in the PM_USER_LOGIN table for both features. Due to different security requirements on who can access this type of database information we have chosen to not include a way for i2b2 users to view or print the audit information from within the i2b2. This decision may be reviewed again for a future release. For now, if a site wants to obtain the logged information they can query their i2b2 database and retrieve the information directly from the PM_USER_LOGIN table.


Log number of attempted logins

JIRA Issue: CORE-285

All successful and failed login attempts to sign into the i2b2 Web Client will be logged in the PM_USER_LOGIN table.


  • No additional setup is needed to turn the enhancement on
  • Even when a user is locked out the system will log when they attempt to access the system


Sample data from PM_USER_LOGIN table


  • The first row shows on 4/16/2018 at 11:12 in the morning the demo user tried to sign into the Web Client. 
    • The "BADPASSWORD" in ATTEMPT_CD column is how I know they were not successful and that they entered the wrong password.
  • The second row shows one minute later the demo user was able to enter their password successfully and therefore logged into the Web Client.


Log Admin Functions

JIRA Issue: CORE-286

Functions performed within the Admin module will be logged within the PM_USER_LOGIN table.



For the purpose of this documentation the basic steps an i2b2 Admin takes to add a new user are outlined below:

Step 1: Signs into the i2b2 Web Client & selects the Administrator project

Step 2: Selects Manager Users from the Navigation Panel

Step 3: Clicks on the Add User button

Step 4: Enters the information about the user and clicks on Save.

Step 5: Clicks on Manage Users to refresh the list and display the new user.


As each steps was performed, the service and USER_ID was logged in the PM_USER_LOGIN table along with date & time.




Password management improvements

The password management improvements is comprised of four new features that all revolve around improving the i2b2 security in regards to how users log into the i2b2 Web Client.


  1. Account lockout
  2. Mandatory password change
  3. Prevent repeat passwords
  4. Enforce complex passwords


Account Lockout

JIRA Issue: CORE-287

Accounts are locked and users are not able to sign into the i2b2 after a specific number of failed login attempts have been made.


  • Account lockout threshold and wait time is defined by the site Administrator.
  • Users are locked-out when the defined number of failed attempts have been reached
  • Once locked
    • user receives a lockout message
    • the user must wait a preset period of time
  • Successful login resets the number of failed logins

New Parameters

Two new Global Parameters were created as part of the new lockout feature. These parameters must be defined in the PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table for users to be locked out after the defined number of failed attempts and number of minutes they must wait before attempting to try again.

  • Threshold for failed sign-in attempts
  • The value is inclusive. i.e. if you enter 4 then the 4th time the user enters the wrong password they will receive the error message and their account will be locked.





  • Number of minutes an account is locked before a user can sign in again.





Mandatory Password Change

JIRA Issue: CORE-287

Require users to change passwords after a specified interval of time. The i2b2 Administrator controls the number of days allowed before a password must be changed. If a user attempts to sign on after their password has expired, the i2b2 Change Password window will open and the user must change their password before they can sign on.


  • Require users to change passwords
  • i2b2 Admins control how often (interval)
  • Change password window will open when password expired
  • 1 new Global parameter
  • 1 new User parameter

 The system uses the value in the global parameter to calculate the next expiration date and adds the appropriate user parameter to the table.

Summary of password expiration process


New global parameter is set (entered via the i2b2 Admin module).

Password expiration feature is turned on.

ALL user passwords are now expired.

User attempts to sign into the i2b2 Web Client; they are prompted to enter a new password

User enters a new password & successfully signs into the i2b2 Web Client.

Using the value defined in the global parameter and the date the user has signed on the system calculates the next expiration date for that user.

Once the new expiration date has been calculated the system will add a user parameter to the appropriate user with the correct expiration date.


New Parameters

Two new parameters were created as part of the Mandatory password change feature. Both parameters are called PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD however one is set within PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS and the other within PM_USER_PARAMS. Each parameter has a different function in the password expiration process and is further defined below.


The new Global Parameter called PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD must be added to the PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table to define the password change interval. Once this parameter has been set the mandatory password change feature will be turned on. If this parameter is not added as a global parameter then passwords will never expire.

  • Global Parameter PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD
  • Turns the feature on
  • Defines password change interval
  • Affects ALL users






The new User Parameter, PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD, is automatically added to the PM_USER_PARAMS table the first time a user successfully changes their expired password. When they change their password, the system will look to the PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD parameter in the PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table to see the change interval defined and then calculate the new expiration date to add to the user parameter.

  • User Parameter PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD
  • Date password will expire for user
  • Added by system when password changed 1st time
  • Can be manually added / edited to a future date for user accounts don't want to expire




As soon as you add the PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD to your PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table, ALL passwords will expire except the i2b2 AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT. To prevent service accounts from expiring you need to add the user parameter as soon as the feature is turned on or even before it. Set the expiration date for a date in the distant future. The following steps outline how to do this.

  1. Log into i2b2 Admin Module
  2. Click on Manage Users in the left Navigation tree to expand the list of users
  3. Locate the user who is your service account
  4. Click on their name to expand it
  5. Click on Params
  6. Click on Add New Parameter button located on the right side of the page
  7. Add the PM_EXPIRED_PASSWORD parameter (example shown below).
  8. Click Save.




Notice in the example provided above, the year was set to 3018. By manually setting the expiration date this far in the future will prevent the password from expiring and thus triggering the system to calculate the next expiration date and automatically update the user parameter.




Prevent repeat password

JIRA Issue: CORE-300

Prevent users from using their current password as their new password when required to change it.


  • No additional setup is needed
  • New password can't be same as current password
  • Warning message displayed if user enters same password




Enforce Complex Passwords

JIRA Issue: CORE-288

Enforce complex passwords

Passwords must meet complexity requirements defined by the i2b2 Administrator. The requirements will be enforced when users change their passwords. They are not enforced when the i2b2 Administrator first enters their password from within the i2b2 Admin Module.


  • New global parameter
  • i2b2 Administrator defines requirements for complexity
  • Enforced when users change passwords
  • Warning message if don't meet requirements




New parameter

A new Global Parameter was created to support the Enforce Complex Passwords feature. The new parameter is set within PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table and will define the password complexity requirements. Once the parameter has been entered the feature will be turned on and all users will be required to follow the new requirements the next time they change their password. The only exception is when the password is set by the i2b2 Administrator from within the i2b2 Admin Module.




Each requirement as an independent variable however they are concatenated and stored as a single "value" in the table.


Complex Requirement Variables

When setting the parameter value for PM_COMPLEX_PASSWORD, each requirement is defined as an independent variable that is stored as a string in the VALUE column of the PM_GLOBAL_PARAMS table. The table shown below lists each of the variables and the associated requirement that will be enforced.


(?=.*[0-9])Numbers (0-9)
(?=.*[a-z])Lower case letters (a-z)
(?=.*[A-Z])Upper case letters (A-Z)
(?=.*[!@#$%^&+=])Special characters (!@#$%^&+=)
(?=\S+$).{8,}Password is a string and must be 8 characters


The requirements can be used in any combination. If all the requirements in the table were to be used, the following would be entered as the Parameter Value:





The (?=\S+$).{8,} variable is always required when setting the PM_COMPLEX_PASSWORD parameter. The system needs to know that password is a string and the length of password. You do have the option to change the length to be greater or lesser than 8 characters.

Query improvements

Two new features are included in the query improvements category.

  • SQL Query Breakdown
    • Custom breakdowns based on SQL query
    • 4 new breakdowns provided in the demo data as examples
  • Temporal Query made simple
    • New simple mode available
    • Streamlined


SQL Query Breakdowns

New breakdowns based on SQL Query

Can now have custom breakdowns based on SQL Query

Four examples provided with the i2b2 demo software

Length of stay breakdown

Top 20 medications breakdown

Top 20 diagnoses breakdown

Inpatient and outpatient breakdown



Take a look at the Length of stay breakdown provided with the demo data.

SQL defined in QT_BREAKDOWN_PATH table



SELECT length_of_stay            AS patient_range,
   COUNT(DISTINCT a.PATIENT_num) AS patient_count
FROM visit_dimension a,
   DX b 
WHERE a.patient_num = b.patient_num
GROUP BY a.length_of_stay 


Run a query for all diagnoses





Temporal Query made Simple


  • Temporal query interface difficult to use
    • Hard to comprehend temporality
    • Hard to remember population constraint
    • Too complicated, difficult to learn
  • 1.7.10 includes a Simple Temporal Query mode
    • Displays ordering of events
    • Displays population constraint
    • Streamlined features





Miscellaneous improvements

Single sign-on location for Web Client and Admin Module


The i2b2 Admin module no longer needs to be setup on the i2b2 server and results in the following benefits.

  • i2b2 Administrators will log in from the same location as the i2b2 Web Client.
  • Easier installation and maintenance. Will only install the i2b2 Web Client.

To sign into the i2b2 Admin module, Administrators will go to the same location as their i2b2 Web Client and enter their login credentials.  Provided their user is setup as an Admin they will be able to select "Administrator" from the list of projects in the project dialog. The Administrator project will launch the Admin module.





Improve datasource validations

JIRA Issue: CORE-129

On certain occasions a database connection in a pool would go bad and the i2b2 would continue to use the connection which would cause errors in the i2b2. To resolve this problem database connections will now be validated and checked that the connection is valid. If a connection in the pool goes bad the i2b2 will not continue using it.

     <check-valid-connection-sql>SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</check-valid-connection-sql> 